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Update on LGBT+ Support from September-December for SAYiT Young People

Hello to all our brilliant young people. Here’s a little update from us about what you can expect from us over the next few months.

  • Due to current circumstances we will be unable to hold groups at Scotia Works until at least January 2021. This means that Prism and Fruitbowl will continue to run virtually until at least the end of December 2020.

  • However, we hope to run some face-to-face meet ups over the next few months on an ad hoc basis, we will let you know the details of these once they are booked in.

  • There will be no Online Fruitbowl on 3rd September or 10th September due to staff holidays. We will be back on 17th September.

  • Starting 14th September we are making a slight change to our text service. We will be replying to messages from 3-5pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday to allow you to be in touch with us after school if you need to.

  • 1:1s with youth workers are available – please text to ask if you feel you need one

Summary of group details September 14th 2020 –December 31st 2020

Fruitbowl – Online group for 11-17 year olds

Every Thursday 5pm until 6.30pm – Zoom link on Minga and by text

PRISM –Online group 18 -25 year olds

Monthly on Wednesdays 5:30pm until 7pm – Zoom link on Minga and by text

Gaymers – Online gaming for 11 – 25years olds

Fortnightly on Tuesdays 4.30pm until 6pm – Zoom link on Minga and by text

Face-to-face group meet ups

Ad hoc basis, Pre-booking required

Look out for details on Minga and by text


Contact us to arrange

We are missing you all so much. We love hearing from you and seeing you at online groups, if you haven’t come to an online group yet why not come and give it a go – they are super fun.

SAYiT Youth Work Team (Anne, Dylan, Hannah, Harriet, Iona, Rum and Sophie)

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If you are a LGBTQ+ young person in Sheffield, then SAYiT is here for you.

SAYiT provides support and social opportunities for LGBTQ+ young people in Sheffield, aged 8-25.

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© 2022 SAYiT (Sheena Amos Youth Trust)

Chairty Number 1177477

SAYiT, Star House,

43 Division Street,


S1 4GE


 0114 201 2633

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