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Cartoon group of young people

Resources for Young People

Resources for Professionals working with LGBTQ+ Young People in Schools, Education and Youth Settings

Cartoon group of young people
Call It Out logo

Resources for professionals working with LGBTQ+ people exposed to Domestic Abuse and Violence

Resources for Parents and Carers of LGBTQ+ Young People

Cartoon group of young people
Pride flag

List of LGBTQ+ Groups in Sheffield

If you are a LGBTQ+ young person in Sheffield, then SAYiT is here for you.

SAYiT provides support and social opportunities for LGBTQ+ young people in Sheffield, aged 8-25.

Join our mailing list to hear about our latest news, developments and events.

Refer a young person.



Thanks for contacting SAYiT

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© 2022 SAYiT (Sheena Amos Youth Trust)

Chairty Number 1177477

SAYiT, Star House,

43 Division Street,


S1 4GE


 0114 201 2633

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