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SAYiT is a registered charity (no: 1177477) which has a long history of working with young people in Sheffield.

In 1999, we were set up as the Sheena Amos Youth Trust in recognition of a local NHS manager who worked tirelessly to provide sexual health care to those under 20.

Sheena died of breast cancer five years earlier, but her legacy lives on through SAYiT’s efforts to carry her vision forward.

Today, we provide support and social opportunities for young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or affected by HIV.

SAYiT works with young people aged from 8 to 25, including those who are most vulnerable or marginalised. Our range of groups provide expert practical advice, emotional support and social opportunities for those who need them – no questions asked.

If you are a LGBTQ+ young person in Sheffield, then SAYiT is here for you.

SAYiT provides support and social opportunities for LGBTQ+ young people in Sheffield, aged 8-25.

Join our mailing list to hear about our latest news, developments and events.

Refer a young person.



Thanks for contacting SAYiT

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© 2022 SAYiT (Sheena Amos Youth Trust)

Chairty Number 1177477

SAYiT, Star House,

43 Division Street,


S1 4GE


 0114 201 2633

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