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SAYiT Open Day

pi 17. 2.


Star House, 43 Division Street

FRIDAY 17TH FEBRUARY 2PM - 6PM Star House, Division Street, S1 4GE This is a chance for our supporters, parents and carers, young people, stakeholders, community leaders and care workers and professionals to come see our safe space and for us to let the world know what we do! Come and meet the team

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SAYiT Open Day
SAYiT Open Day

Čas a miesto

17. 2. 2023, 14:00 – 18:00

Star House, 43 Division Street, Sheffield, UK

O podujatí

FRIDAY 17TH FEBRUARY 2PM - 6PM Star House, Division Street, S1 4GE

This is a chance for our supporters, parents and carers, young people, stakeholders, community leaders and care workers and professionals to come see our safe space and for us to let the world know what we do!

Come and meet the team, see our group room, snug, counselling rooms and training room. Drop in between 2pm -6pm for refreshments, chat and entertainment. Find out how SAYiT can help you and your organisation support the LGBTQ+ young people of Sheffield. The SAYiT team and the young people look forward to seeing you there!

Zdieľajte toto podujatie

Ak ste LGBTQ+ mladý človek v Sheffielde, potom je tu pre vás SAYiT.

SAYiT poskytuje podporu a sociálne príležitosti pre LGBTQ+ mladých ľudí v Sheffielde vo veku 12-25 rokov.


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© 2022 SAYiT (Sheena Amos Youth Trust)

Číslo stoličky 1177477

Povedz to,  Scotia Works,

Leadmill Road,


S1 4SE

0114 241 2728

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